Episode 99: Mourning with Hope (Hank R. Smith)

In John 11:35 we learn that “Jesus wept” with Mary and Martha as they mourned the loss of their brother Lazarus. Like the Savior, we too might experience “the sting of death” (Mosiah 16:7-8) as we bereave our loved ones. In this episode, Professor Hank R. Smith, associate teaching professor of ancient scripture, discusses his article “Mourning with Hope” from the anthology Learn of Me: History and Teachings of the New Testament. He examines how we can mourn with hope as we navigate the sorrows of death and exercise faith and hope in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.   Click here to learn more about Hank R. Smith   Publications: ·      “Mourning with Hope” (in Learn of Me: History and Teachings of the New Testament, Religious Studies Center, 2022) ·      followHIM Podcast ·      “The Role of Trust in Religious Education” (Religious Educator, 14.2, 2013) ·      “Cache Cave: Utah’s First Register” (in Far Away in the West: Reflections on the Mormon Pioneer Trail, Religious Studies Center, 2015)

Om Podcasten

Each year, religion professors at Brigham Young University (BYU) produce hundreds of publications on subjects related to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This podcast brings this research into one place to enlighten the everyday seeker of truth. Interviewing the author, we discuss why the study was done, why it matters, and why the professor chooses to be both a scholar, and a disciple. This is Y Religion.