Re-Sucking one still doesn't make you gay! Episode 112 (Re-Release)

Re-release with a new intro from Ali :) On episode 3 of Y’all Gay Podcast talk about coming out, Ali’s chicken store vestibule story, and prank calling the preacher. We just want to remind you that sucking one once don’t make you gay. Here's a special, (limited time) deal for our listeners. Right now get up to 60% off your Babbel subscription - but only for our listeners - at Babbel dot com slash YALLGAY. Get up to 60% off at Babbel dot com slash YALLGAY. Spelled B-A-B-B-E-L dot com slash YALLGAY. Rules and restrictions may apply. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Om Podcasten

Y’all Gay is a comedic podcast for everyone, brought you by two southern queers. We’re talking pop culture to life experiences and everything in between. Hosted by comedians Ali Clayton (@acountryclayton) and Ever Mainard (@evermainard).