You're Not Alone

Hi Gaywads, This is our first recording after the election. We want you to know we love you, we care about you and we will always stand with you. A heads up - there is talk about SA. Its a time for healing and action, strength and grace. Yes, I know I sound like a Hobby Lobby inspirational poster. Also, we are compiling a list of free resources that are accessible via our Patreon homepage. Please feel free to add resources that you think would be helpful as well. It's a growing list. We love you, Ever and Ali Ever Mainard (@evermainard) Ali Clayton (@acountryclayton) Poster by: @rudyschultz Theme Song By: @awkvanmills & @johnnylove34 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Om Podcasten

Y’all Gay is a comedic podcast for everyone, brought you by two southern queers. We’re talking pop culture to life experiences and everything in between. Hosted by comedians Ali Clayton (@acountryclayton) and Ever Mainard (@evermainard).