Self-Sabotage (ft. Liz Gillies)

As talented and driven as Liz Gillies is there may be one thing standing in her way... herself. The actress, who started out professionally at the age of ten, goes on a journey with Billy to highlight a number of fuck-ups and life lessons she’s learned over the years. In looking back at her blunders, she realizes that holding herself back is perhaps responsible for what she considers her biggest life fuck-up to date.See for privacy information.

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Join Grammy-nominated hitmaker, entrepreneur, and philanthropist Billy Mann on a journey through the twists and turns of failure in "Yeah, I Fucked That Up." Mann has had the privilege of rubbing shoulders with some of culture's most influential figures. Drawing inspiration from one of his kids who really struggles with failure, Mann invites his guests to peel back the veneer of success and reveal the humanity beneath. From legendary musicians to top CEOs, the stories of failure, fuck-ups and redemption will inspire, enlighten, and entertain. So buckle up and get ready to learn from the best - and their worst - in this fascinating exploration of the human side of success.