YNS Live with NFL Thread HOF Sherice Brown & Beverly Lofton

Did you miss out on the magic of Pro Football's Hall of Fame Enshrinement Week? Then don't miss these exciting episodes of YNS Live with NFL Thread, co-hosted by Juliet Hahn and Cynthia Zordich, the founder of NFL Thread. YNS takes you behind-the-scenes at the many NFL Hall of Fame Festivities. In this episode join guests Sherice Brown and Beverly Lofton, wives of NFL HOF players, as they share their experience with the HOF community. Remarkable Quotes “The tears flow because you are so emotional and so grateful. You think about the hard work and the acknowledgement that he is being celebrated for his contribution to the game.” “More than anything we share the same struggles. Reaching the Hall of Fame is the highest pinnacle of the game. But when you get here you realize you are not any more important than someone else. We are all here as a family.” Find Us Online! Fireside: Juliet Hahn | Cynthia Zordich Instagram: Juliet Hahn | Cynthia Zordich | NFL Thread LinkedIn: Juliet Hahn | Cynthia Zordich FB: Juliet Hahn | NFL Thread Clubhouse: Juliet Hahn YouTube: Juliet Hahn Twitter: Juliet Hahn | Cynthia Zordich | NFL Thread

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YNS Live with NFL Thread is a Fireside Show with Co-Hosts Juliet Hahn CCO and founder of Your Next Stop and Cynthia Zordich founder of NFL Thread that offers a transparent look into the the stories of the NFL Spouses. We dive into the businesses, brands, efforts and extraordinary lives of NFL Women.    YNS Live with NFL Thread PIVOT, a new show brought to you by YNS Live with NFL Thread recorded live on Fireside with hosts Juliet Hahn and Cynthia Zordich. They dive into new chapters, inviting NFL players and spouses to join them on Fireside to share their story of transition. Football is more than just a sport; it is a way of life. From the grittiness of practice and strategy sessions to the thrill of game days and the power of cheering crowds, football is the glue that holds a professional player's life together. But what happens when you have to face life after football? What happens when the clock runs out? The adjustment to life without football can be traumatic. Some players are prepared and make a seamless transition. Others struggle to make sense of a life that no longer seems to have meaning. Some of them think themselves forever young, forever able to tackle and block and run, not only indestructible but immortal. What they all have in common is that one day they will be separated from the game, and when that happens - they may or may not be ready for it. Likely, the latter.