202 - A Case For Repeating the Same Class All Week

This is for the teachers out there. I’ve had so many conversations about repetition recently, both from week to week and within a single class itself. Maybe you’re feeling some kind of pressure to put out a brand new flow every single week, but I’d like to make a case for doing the same things. But even if you hear the same things over and over again, you can always learn something new, gain a new understanding, or relate in a new way. We need repetition. Why not try it?Let’s talk about yoga,...

Om Podcasten

To be Yoga Strong is to pay attention to not only your body, but how you navigate being human. While combining strength and grace creates a powerful flow-based yoga practice, it is the practice of paying attention in the same ways off-the-mat that we hope to build.This podcast is a guide for yoga teachers, practitioners and people trying to craft a life they're proud AF about. This is about owning your voice. This is about resilience, compassion, sensuality, and building a home in yourself. We don't do this alone.