E13: Narcissism Explored (Part 1)

Today we're going to be talking about a topic that's been getting a lot of interest lately: narcissism.  We'll explore what narcissism is, how it manifests itself in healthy and unhealthy ways through relationships, and why it's important for you to know the difference. We all know narcissists, but do we really understand what makes someone narcissistic? We'll explore the specifics of narcissism diagnosis—what it is, and isn't, and how to tell the difference between healthy and pathological narcissism. We'll also go over some of the key differences between grandiosity and shame in terms of how they affect the individual's ability to relate properly with others.  Finally, we'll look at why narcissists are who they are due to childhood experiences—and how this makes them so difficult to deal with in adulthood. Read 1-1 client results: https://www.whatclinic.com/psychotherapists/uk/london/ruairi-stewart Join waitlists for courses via IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehappywholecoach/ Scroll the website: www.ruairistewart.com

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a fresh and no BS deep dive into Relationships and Breakups. If you feel trapped in other people’s expectations…I get it. That was me until I chose to become a psychotherapist. I was able to improve my own life, and then I realised – therapy is only half the story. Most of us also need skills to navigate relationships without feeling guilty and the coaching to make changes from a place of self-love. I’m here to support you with a unique blend of therapy and coaching that feels relaxed and is custom to you. Ready to heal from the relationship patterns that are keeping you stuck? Let's dive in!