#04 Porn Addiction and Child on Child Abuse ft Sara Absheikh
Hey guys! Welcome back to my podcast, 'You Don't Have The Range' with your host Sincerely Oghosa. Today, we'll be discussing some hard topics today. Porn addiction and child on child abuse is something I've discussed at length on my YouTube Channel. Sara Absheikh is the host of the podcast 'Hear me Roar' in which she discusses sexual trauma with victims. Today we'll be doing just that and unearthing shame, sexual exploration and accountability. This podcast is sponsored by Better Help. Get 10% off your online therapy with Better Help here: http://bit.ly/BetterHelpDiscount Visit Shea Moisture UK's instagram page to enter their giveaway for key workers here: www.instagram.com/sheamoistureUK Find Sara here: https://sara-abusheikh.com/hear-me-roar-podcast Find me: www.youtube.com/sincerelyoghosa www.instagram.com/sincerelyoghosa