Dead Alive (1992) w/ John-Michael Bond
There are plenty of zombie films, but none quite like Peter Jackson's 1992 horror comedyDead Alive (Braindead). This week,Bri and guestJohn-Michael Bond (album/comedy specialCry Uncle) dive into all the gory story details to convince Cozi that this film is a bloody gem.Will the amazing practical effects, great characters, and hilarious one-liners be enough to convince Cozi to give it a chance? Listen and find out!Recommendations:JOHN-MICHAEL – Shuffle songs fromGuided by Voices andFucked Up, Pavlov yourself to chill the fuck out without your phoneCOZI – Do your best to be true to yourselfBRI – Get yourself some hue/mood lights📼📼📼Follow You Need to See This! on:InstagramFacebook