Pitch Black (2000) w/ Ames Lehrmitt

This week's guest is Ames Lehrmitt! Ames is a co-host of Star Trek podcast A Star to Steer Her By, writer/producer of science fiction radio play Fine-Tuned Universe, a company member of Boston-based fringe theatre company Flat Earth Theatre, and a founding member of Cozi's college sketch group! On this episode, Ames tries to convince Cozi to watch the dark sci-fi cult classic Pitch Black (2000). Will Cozi put his fatigue with meat men aside for the sake of weird flying hammerhead-shark monster-aliens? Recommendations: Cozi – Buy hot chocolate for White Elephants Ames – Jelle’s Marble Runs on YouTube

Om Podcasten

Join hosts Bri Jones and Cozi Orlen every other week as they argue for one film you absolutely NEED to watch. They cover everything from lesser-known arthouse indies to “how did you miss this?!” blockbusters. Each episode, at least one of the hosts has seen and loved the film, and at least one has missed it. Then, with NO SPOILERS, they'll try and convince you to spend your time watching it. Pop your popcorn and grab a box of Buncha Crunch, because You Need To See This!