A New Season for Me

This new season of my life is absolutely wonderful. We moved from a beautiful rural house into the city which means we're closer to the kids' school and so much more.

A new season does also mean we have to set up our lifestyle again. When you're going through a season change, remember we are looking for progress over perfection and functional over pretty. You can pretty it up later, but you have to begin with it being exactly what you want. 

Think of something that is not currently working in your household and map out a better way to handle it. When we pursue progress, we feel like we are making progress and doing a good enough job.


Tell me how it goes on Instagram or in the Facebook Group!

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Welcome to Your Agile Home, the podcast to help you develop flexible home management solutions. Hi, I'm Yvonne, and I'm on a mission to help moms develop flexible home management solutions that leave them with more time for themselves, happier families, less money spent, and a more productive week.