How We Agile: Multiple Sprint Events

Large projects can seem overwhelming, so it is important to break them down into smaller sprints.

First, break a big project down into much smaller pieces, just like we talked about in our Bite Sized Goals episode. 

Usually, the first sprint is going to be prep. Planning out what you're going to need to do and what you're going to need to get to make this happen.

Put the things that you want to do but that are not necessary on the backlog. That way you can get to them later.

Your main goal is to get to the minimal viable results - the least that can be done for it to be a success.

What is your biggest struggle in planning a large event? Let me know in the Facebook Group!



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Welcome to Your Agile Home, the podcast to help you develop flexible home management solutions. Hi, I'm Yvonne, and I'm on a mission to help moms develop flexible home management solutions that leave them with more time for themselves, happier families, less money spent, and a more productive week.