Is It Time To Set Smaller Goals?

Ok, maybe not smaller goals - but what about shorter ones?

Think about it, when you're setting 5-year and 10-year goals, those goals feel so far away that you're not focusing on what you need to be doing each day to get closer to accomplishing your goals. 

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't be setting goals! 

Listen to today's episode and hear about what you should be focusing on so you can reach the goals you set for yourself and your family. 


Don't forget to check out The Peak Performance Business Planner: How To Consistently Get Maximum Return On All Your Efforts

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Welcome to Your Agile Home, the podcast to help you develop flexible home management solutions. Hi, I'm Yvonne, and I'm on a mission to help moms develop flexible home management solutions that leave them with more time for themselves, happier families, less money spent, and a more productive week.