Protecting Your PII in a Modern Home

Today, I'm joined with my friend Jason Faulhefer and we are going to talk about how to protect your family and their private information during this modern age. PII is personal identifiable information - like security questions, social security info, etc.

It is important to look at the terms and conditions for the technology you have in your home, like Amazon Alexa, Siri, etc. A lot of times they will disclose that they share information with third party companies.

Understanding the risk - what you should and shouldn't be asking - is important. 

Know the laws, especially as it pertains to your children. 

Anything on the internet lives there FOREVER. It stays on the internet. 

The biggest things that Jason has done to protect his family is:

Use a Password manager

Freezing his children's credit

Not using social media to share information about the family.

Educating his family on how to spot scammers and phishers.

Jason shares some eye-opening things that you might not realize about the internet. A good rule of thumb is: "The more convenient something is the less secure it is."

Everything is driven by an app and phone safety - like protecting your Sim card is also important. 

Do you have questions? Ask in my Facebook group!


Protecting Student Privacy While Using Online Educational Services


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Welcome to Your Agile Home, the podcast to help you develop flexible home management solutions. Hi, I'm Yvonne, and I'm on a mission to help moms develop flexible home management solutions that leave them with more time for themselves, happier families, less money spent, and a more productive week.