The #1 Thing that Helped Me Complete Home Projects

I'm not the first or last person to tell you that multitasking is bad for you, but I can tell you that single-tasking is the #1 thing that helps me complete my home projects. How do I do this best?  I started creating baskets in various places of my home so that I wasn't constantly going up and down the stairs and multitasking.  I tune out from my phone and don't have multiple tabs open on my computer. Do you multitask or single-task?   Get started on your Agile transformation with my free course. 

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Your Agile Home, the podcast to help you develop flexible home management solutions. Hi, I'm Yvonne, and I'm on a mission to help moms develop flexible home management solutions that leave them with more time for themselves, happier families, less money spent, and a more productive week.