Your First Hundred Million | Episode 1

CONTENT A) Dedication B) Prologue C) Foreword D) Introduction E) CHAPTER 1: Super Success - Not For The Touchy-Feely - The Seminar Crowd - Perpetrators of the Big Lie - Paying the Price for Super Success - Take Some Risks - Understand Failure - Use Your Intuition - Intuition is Almost Always Right! - Never Look Back   "Super success is not for the wishy washy. Victory in business, like war, comes to the toughest son-of-a-bitch in the valley."    

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Get the 50 Billion Dollar Man's book "Your First Hundred Million" straight in your devices! Listen Dan Peña's book as he personally shares with you up-to-date information all throughout each chapter. You can listen while working out in the gym, driving your car to work and even while cooking dinner! You no longer have any excuse to not use your time effectively to get your first hundred million milestone!