Advice from Arlan to GaryVee’s Veefriends apprentice pass holders

Visit for free curriculum! This week, I spent an hour with 3 of #garyvee's #veefriends mentees (who are all kicking major butt, btw). The advice I gave them could help a lot of entrpereneurs and career professionals, so with everyone's permission, I am replaying this behind the scenes conversation here. #garyvaynerchuk #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #nonprofit #advice #venturecapital #bootstrap #arlanhamilton #founders

Om Podcasten

A podcast by Arlan Hamilton that goes behind-the-scenes and teaches you how to make your first million dollars, get your first million downloads, or find your first million customers. Arlan is the Founder and Managing Partner of Backstage Capital, has raised more than $10M, and has invested in over 100 companies led by people of color, women, and/or LGBTQ.