YNP #071: Tips for a Stronger Stay

Teaching your dog "Stay" is one of the easier cues to teach your dog...if we do it right.  And of course most of us are doing it wrong.  Stay can be a useful command ("Stay" so I can take your picture).  It can be used for safety ("Stay" while I clean up this glass that just broke).  I also use it all the time to focus an overstimulated dog.  With just a few adjustments you can build a foundation to a stronger and longer Stay. In this episode I talk about:* How to set your dog up for success.* What's wrong with the Stay-Come exercise.* How to reset them when they break.* Stay is a one syllable word.* What makes Stay different from other cues.Press play and enjoy!Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:YNP #012: The Most Important Part of Your Dog's Obedience TrainingPlaytime Paws Academy:  A brand new program for dog and humans in any stage of training.

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Your host, Debbie (owner of Playtime Paws), is a positive trainer with a passion for dogs, their behavior and helping you create a well-behaved dog. This is a dog training and behavior podcast that with help you and your new puppy build good healthy habits right from the start. It will also help you understand your dog’s behavior and build a strong, fulfilling, and fun relationship for years to come.