Episode 289: When Children Tell You To Go Away But Get Mad When You Do

Raising a child with big emotions can feel like a roller coaster some days. One moment they might be yelling at you to go away… and the next moment they’re angry that you did what they asked. What do we do when our child does something that seems illogical and nothing we do is helping? In this episode, you’ll learn: What’s underneath kids’ seemingly-illogical behavior  How to understand what’s going on inside our kids before addressing their (outer) behavior  How to make a plan for handling your child’s big -- and sometimes illogical -- reactions in the future. (And it’s easier than you think!)  -- Free coaching calls: https://rachel-bailey.com/coaching/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RachelBailey Raising Resilience Membership: https://rachel-bailey.com/raising-resilience-membership/

Om Podcasten

This podcast is for parents who not only want to short-term tips for handling current kids' behaviors and moods, but who are exhausted from addressing the same situation over and over and want to find solutions that last much longer into the future. Because you will receive plans and step-by-step tools, it's also for parents who crave feeling in control -- and who do much better with structure than the chaos traditionally associated with parenting.