Episode 293: When You Feel Guilty About Something You're Doing (Or Not Doing)

You have an idea in your mind of what you “should” be doing as a parent. But how often do you feel like you’re falling short of your own expectations? So many of us feel guilty on a regular basis, and it can be exhausting. But there is something you can do to reduce your guilt (and get some energy back!).  In this episode, you’ll learn: What happens when we let go of parenting guilt One question we can ask ourselves to turn our guilt into confidence How to create a simple plan that will empower you to parent from your values so you feel less bad about what you’ve done (or not done) -- Free coaching calls: https://rachel-bailey.com/coaching/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RachelBailey Raising Resilience Membership: https://rachel-bailey.com/raising-resilience-membership/

Om Podcasten

This podcast is for parents who not only want to short-term tips for handling current kids' behaviors and moods, but who are exhausted from addressing the same situation over and over and want to find solutions that last much longer into the future. Because you will receive plans and step-by-step tools, it's also for parents who crave feeling in control -- and who do much better with structure than the chaos traditionally associated with parenting.