082: Regulating emotions: What, When, & How

We’ve already covered emotion regulation a few times on the show: there were these older short episodes on https://yourparentingmojo.com/youreok/ (Three Reasons Not to Say “You’re OK!”) and https://yourparentingmojo.com/emotionregulation/ (Modeling Emotion Regulation), as well as https://yourparentingmojo.com/selfreg/ (the more recent one) on Dr. Stuart Shanker’s book Self-Reg. But I realized I’d never done the episode that should underlie all of these, which discusses what actually is emotion regulation and when (for crying out loud!) our children will be able to do it. So we cover that in this episode, as well as some resources to help you support your child in developing this capability, the most important of which is Dr. John Gottman’s book https://amzn.to/2S5mrqR (Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child) [affiliate link]. Download your free workbook! If you’re in the thick of struggles with emotion regulation right now and you find yourself punishing or thinking about punishing your child for behavior that’s driving you crazy, you should definitely download the How to Stop Punishing Your Child (And What to Do Instead) workbook that gives you strategies to help both of you cope better with stressful situations. Just enter your name and email address below! https://www.addtoany.com/add_to/facebook?linkurl=https%3A%2F%2Fyourparentingmojo.com%2Fregulatingemotions%2Fandlinkname=082%3A%20Regulating%20emotions%3A%20What%2C%20When%2C%20%26%20How ()https://www.addtoany.com/add_to/twitter?linkurl=https%3A%2F%2Fyourparentingmojo.com%2Fregulatingemotions%2Fandlinkname=082%3A%20Regulating%20emotions%3A%20What%2C%20When%2C%20%26%20How ()https://www.addtoany.com/add_to/pinterest?linkurl=https%3A%2F%2Fyourparentingmojo.com%2Fregulatingemotions%2Fandlinkname=082%3A%20Regulating%20emotions%3A%20What%2C%20When%2C%20%26%20How ()https://www.addtoany.com/add_to/email?linkurl=https%3A%2F%2Fyourparentingmojo.com%2Fregulatingemotions%2Fandlinkname=082%3A%20Regulating%20emotions%3A%20What%2C%20When%2C%20%26%20How ()

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Jen Lumanlan always thought infancy would be the hardest part of parenting. Now she has a toddler and finds a whole new set of tools are needed, there are hundreds of books to read, and academic research to uncover that would otherwise never see the light of day. Join her on her journey to get a Masters in Psychology focusing on Child Development, as she researches topics of interest to parents of toddlers and preschoolers from all angles, and suggests tools parents can use to help kids thrive - and make their own lives a bit easier in the process. Like Janet Lansbury's respectful approach to parenting? Appreciate the value of scientific research, but don't have time to read it all? Then you'll love Your Parenting Mojo. More information and references for each show are at www.YourParentingMojo.com. Subscribe there and get a free newsletter compiling relevant research on the weeks I don't publish a podcast episode!