190: How to use the tools in Parenting Beyond Power

One of the questions I'm asked most often about Parenting Beyond Power (preorder bonuses are available for just a few more days!) is: How is reading the book different from listening to the podcast? So when a group of listeners volunteered to get together to discuss what they got out of the book, that was the first thing I wanted to ask them. The core premise of the book is that the social forces of White supremacy, patriarchy, and capitalism have really hurt us - they're the biggest reason why we feel so much pain and shame. And we will pass on those hurts to our own children unless we do something different - and most of the book is about what we actually do differently to make parenting easier today, and work toward creating a world where everyone belongs. Eliza began: Each podcast episode is a deep dive into one topic, and what I loved about the book was that I've spent time thinking about all of these topics separately, but now I see the threads between them so much more clearly so I can see which pieces I still want to think more about or work on. Kat added: I do have some knowledge about how these cultural forces are affecting the population, and I'm constantly working on addressing them in myself. And the book provides a central place where we can address these issues with ourselves, and our children, and that that branches out into the community and the world at large. I think it's very powerful to have that central hub to help me connect all the different pieces of knowledge I have...and then do something with them! Elizabeth concluded: The examples are really helpful and I found them easy to connect with. I can't wait until I have the physical book in my hand to be able to go through and scribble notes in the margins! We talked about the needs cupcake, and how we can use that to understand the needs that both we and our children are trying to meet on a regular basis. Eliza found that she's able to be more regulated by managing the level of sound around her - which she hadn't realized was a 'cherry' need for her until now! Eliza coached Elizabeth through a struggle she's having with her daughter not wanting to go to bed, and Kat talked through a beautiful story of how she's supporting her children, who have been fighting with each other a LOT. Now they fight a lot less, because their needs are met more often. We're lucky that we heard Kat share that story before her phone battery died! Parenting Beyond Power is still available for pre-order for just a few more days...which means the pre-order bonuses are available for just a few more days too! (We will still have some bonuses available after September 5, but some of the coolest ones are going away then.) [Button] Click here to get the Parenting Beyond Power bonuses! And don't forget to mark your calendar for our launch events: Tuesday September 5 from 11am-noon Pacific on Zoom Sunday September 10 from 10am-noon LIVE in the Bay Area

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Jen Lumanlan always thought infancy would be the hardest part of parenting. Now she has a toddler and finds a whole new set of tools are needed, there are hundreds of books to read, and academic research to uncover that would otherwise never see the light of day. Join her on her journey to get a Masters in Psychology focusing on Child Development, as she researches topics of interest to parents of toddlers and preschoolers from all angles, and suggests tools parents can use to help kids thrive - and make their own lives a bit easier in the process. Like Janet Lansbury's respectful approach to parenting? Appreciate the value of scientific research, but don't have time to read it all? Then you'll love Your Parenting Mojo. More information and references for each show are at www.YourParentingMojo.com. Subscribe there and get a free newsletter compiling relevant research on the weeks I don't publish a podcast episode!