Another Empty Eco/Organic Empty Skincare Review: Disposable Makeup Wipes, First Earthwise Empty, 5Yina, Cleansing Balms + Tons More

Nothing better than using up our products, is there. It’s supremely satisfying to hear this bag of empty glass bottles clank together as I dig things out to tell you about! I hope you enjoy hearing all these thoughts on my latest round of empty eco/organic skincare. If you’d like more, Epiosde 8 here on the podcast is also a skincare empties episode, and if you search “L’Amour empty skincare” or “L’Amour skincare empties” on YouTube you should see a whole slew of videos I’ve done over the past 6 years. So happy to be back with you this week after my end-of-summer podcast break!

Om Podcasten

Your Purpose is Beauty brings you eco/organic, luxury, and niche beauty product reviews and critique, as well as intellectual discussion about the beauty and alternative health industries.  Hosted by independent beauty journalist and PhD sociologist Mercedes Lyson, this podcast will also explore why people have chosen beauty as their profession or passion through interviews with brand founders, beauty professionals, bloggers/influencers, and creatives. Exclusive episodes of this podcast are available at, and Mercedes' 6 years of eco beauty video content can be found at