What's in the Cup + On My Mind: Liver/Gallbladder Flush FAQ, Why are we being persuaded to reconsider parabens, and (Eco) Beauty shopping plans

I first tried this concept/structure on Episode #24 from mid-May. I really liked the ability to dive deeper into viewer questions, provide in-depth thoughts on current beauty industry dynamics, and of course discuss products – all in one episode! So today we’re first discussing this series of 4 videos I did back in 2014 (L’Amour in YouTube infancy lol) on Andreas Moritz’s The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush. I still get many questions on these videos and this process today (do I recommend it, what do I think, etc) so I give you ALL the details on the multi-year unfolding of these cleanses. Then, you know we have to talk about parabens. We’re being urged to reconsider them, and the science that had us at least take a precautionary stance on their overuse. While I have absolutely no issue with whatever direction brands choose to go in their own formulations, what I can’t ignore are (tacit) agendas and attempts at manipulation. So let’s unpack that, and then end on a soothing note by talking products. I share what I was testing this past week – loving, unsure about – and then discuss the upcoming Pink Moon and Beauty Heroes orders I’m planning/carts I’m curating. All references/links below and continued on lamouretlamusique.com!

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Your Purpose is Beauty brings you eco/organic, luxury, and niche beauty product reviews and critique, as well as intellectual discussion about the beauty and alternative health industries.  Hosted by independent beauty journalist and PhD sociologist Mercedes Lyson, this podcast will also explore why people have chosen beauty as their profession or passion through interviews with brand founders, beauty professionals, bloggers/influencers, and creatives. Exclusive episodes of this podcast are available at Patreon.com/lamouretlamusique, and Mercedes' 6 years of eco beauty video content can be found at Youtube.com/lamouretlamusique/videos.