0. Welcome to Your Win-Win Teacher Business

This is YOUR business. Are you being a good boss to yourself? I’m Janice Cook and I work with teacherpreneurs to help them recalibrate their business systems and schedules so THEY are in control. My business is a win-win and I see my TPT seller clients achieve a workweek that is profitable, productive, and peaceful. I want YOU to have a win-win business too! If running your business WAS fun and exciting at the start but now you feel like you’re on a hamster wheel of chaos, please know y...

Om Podcasten

Your Win-Win Teacher Business is the podcast for teacher authors who want to make a big impact in the world for teachers and students, and have fun doing it.Every Monday morning, Janice Cook and her guests will start your week off strong. Each episode will be packed with bite-sized tips to ensure you’re delivering wins for your customers in a way that’s also a win for you as the CEO. She’ll share takeaways from favorite business books (you know, the ones that are on your bookshelf that you don’t have time to read). You’ll also hear the stories of other teacher business owners who took one small step to make their business a win-win.Janice Cook is a teacher turned virtual support provider. She works with teacherpreneurs to help them recalibrate their business systems and schedules so THEY are in control. She has taken the PD courses and gone through trial and error so you don’t have to. Connect with Janice on Instagram @teacherjaniceva to talk business any time.To work with Janice visit https://www.cookfamilyresources.com/work-with-me/