When Do You Need an Invitation?

Welcome to You’re Invited! A Human Design-inspired podcast for projectors and those who love them. Hosted by your fellow self-projected friend, Alex Cantone, here to guide you through the ins and outs of navigating projector energetics in real life.In this episode I debunk the projector invitation by sharing when you do and don't need an invitation and further, offer reframes for how to redefine the word itself.  My intention is to leave you empowered by this wisdom so that you can feel confident in being your truest self in daily life.No matter where you are on your Human Design journey, there is so much value in revisiting the basics to realign!This episode covers:When you DO and DON'T need an invitationThe dangers of putting parameters around an energetic experience Assessing if you're using Human Design to limit youRevisiting the importance of being in the correct environmentShifting and up-leveling as a projectorHow to get clarity on what the invitation feels like for youRedefining the word 'invitation'Follow me on IG: @alexcantoneExplore Projector resources in The ShopQuestions about the projector invitation? Submit your curiosities to youreinvited@alexcantone.com and we might feature your question on the next episode!Support the showFind me on Instagram @alexcantone

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You're Invited is a living time capsule of my evolving relationship with Human Design. What began as an experiment to debunk the energetics of waiting for invitations has turned into an exploration of how this system supports each of us in highly individual ways.