Episode 47 - The Annual Purge Part 2 Anarchy with Dr Carole Quigley

Seriously, who knew this series was going to be as good as it is? The excellent Purge: Anarchy is the focus this week, with the fantastic Dr Carole Quigley returning to take us through the highs and lows of Frank Grillo's entry into the series.  You can find Carole on Instagram @CaroleQuigley Check out her podcast on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/0eNU0RAwa5vqHwN2CoIcHg?si=HFP4hEbbRiSPsZ70glh_Ug

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A humorous, informal discussion on whatever takes our fancy each week - films, TV, books. You name it, we'll Wikipedia it Get in touch! youreoncrackmate@gmail.com