Episode 56 - Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace With Seosamh Hurley

The great and powerful Seosamh Hurley returns to You're On Crack Mate, but with a twist! Together, we're taking on the Star Wars Prequels and my god, we did not think this one through! But how well do you remember The Phantom Menace? Follow Seosamh on Twitter: @seosamhhurley Myself: @seanferrick Please join the family over on www.patreon.com/seanferrick - that way you can stay up to date about series plans, episodes en route and even get your voice in for episode choices! 

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A humorous, informal discussion on whatever takes our fancy each week - films, TV, books. You name it, we'll Wikipedia it Get in touch! youreoncrackmate@gmail.com