102 Where have all the #10s Gone? Coaching Family Special

MyPersonalFootballCoach Coaching Courses and Virtual Conference are now on sale! https://mypersonalfootballcoach.com/iamacoach/ Glenn joins Saul again for the Coaching Family Special asking where are all the #10s gone? Pro and Academy football seem to be missing the mavericks which used to be the mainstay of teams through out the world. Why is this and is it a reflection of our recruitment/coaching process?

Om Podcasten

Join Saul Isaksson-Hurst, 10 years experience as a Technical Football Coach in the Premier League with Chelsea FC and Tottenham Hotspur FC, as he chats to some of the worlds leaders in Youth Soccer Development. A podcast aimed at Soccer Players, Coaches and parents interested in the beautiful game and youth soccer player development.