107 Steve Sallis Mindset Consultant English FA

Steve Sallis is one of the world leaders in mindset development. He Joins Saul and Glen to discuss how we can maximise mindset development not only in our players but in us as coaches also. Check out Steves first book 'Educating Football' which has literally changed the game and his soon to be released follow up 'How not to be a leadership dickhead.' The Virtual Academy is back on the MyPersonalFootballCoach app. The Next Gen Club includes Technical, Tactical, Physical, Psychological and Tips how to get scouted from Premier League Coaches...for just £9.99 a month. mypersonalfootballcoach.com/the-virtual…ademy-home/

Om Podcasten

Join Saul Isaksson-Hurst, 10 years experience as a Technical Football Coach in the Premier League with Chelsea FC and Tottenham Hotspur FC, as he chats to some of the worlds leaders in Youth Soccer Development. A podcast aimed at Soccer Players, Coaches and parents interested in the beautiful game and youth soccer player development.