Jacqui Banaszynski: We'll still be telling stories when we learn how to write on the stars

Jacqui Banaszynski is an acclaimed reporter, writer, editor, and teacher. She won the Pulitzer Prize for Feature Writing in 1988 for the series "AIDS in the Heartland." She was also a finalist for the 1986 Pulitzer in international reporting. Besides her accolades, Jacqui has edited several award-winning projects over the years. She has written about topics such as corruption, crime, beauty pageants, the Olympics, dogsled expeditions, and refugee camps. Till 2017, she was the Knight Chai...

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Zest este un podcast despre plăcerea și uimirea de a scrie. Invitați sunt scriitori, jurnaliști, copywriteri, bloggeri și oricine scrie cu poftă și nu s-ar putea opri din asta nici dacă ar vrea. Gazdă: Sabina Varga / Identitate vizuală: Silviana Toader