Jay Baer & Sonja Jefferson: Great writing starts with empathy

I met Sonja Jefferson and Jay Baer, two of today's top content marketing experts in the world, at WeContent 2019. Sonja has 20+ years of experience creating content for global brands and has co-written the award-winning book Valuable Content Marketing. Jay Baer is a New York Times best-selling author of six books. His Convince & Convert Media division owns the world’s #1 content marketing blog & the world’s top marketing podcast.In between speeches and coffee breaks, Sonja and Ja...

Om Podcasten

Zest este un podcast despre plăcerea și uimirea de a scrie. Invitați sunt scriitori, jurnaliști, copywriteri, bloggeri și oricine scrie cu poftă și nu s-ar putea opri din asta nici dacă ar vrea. Gazdă: Sabina Varga / Identitate vizuală: Silviana Toader