Brian Flynn - Thinker, Operator, Builder - Zima Red ep. 19

My guest today is Brian Flynn. Formerly at Dapper Labs Brian is now focusing his attention on building his own product for the crypto ecosystem. Brian has an interesting background that involves professional Esports, a startup that incentives real-world activity with reward points, and a newsletter, called NFTY News. We hit a ton of topics during our conversation, like Brian's journey through crypto and how he got his job at Dapper Labs, the issues with the NFT ecosystem, using crypto to evolve the concept of the marketplace and, of course, we dove deep into how we will achieve a true metaverse. I loved Brian’s point of view because he has such a diverse set of experiences that involve theory through his writings and actual boots on the ground experience building at Dapper Labs. This skillset makes Brian’s opinion very valuable for our ecosystem and I can't wait to see what he builds next. Please enjoy my conversation with Brian. Brian Twitter - Brian Newsletter -

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Exploring the metaverse - Crypto, web3, NFTs, AR, VR, AI