David & Chris - Lit: Decentralized Access Control For The Internet - Zima Red ep 122

My guests today are David & Chris who are the founders of Lit Protocol. Lit is a decentralized, identity-based encryption and access control protocol. What that means is that they are an access control protocol for the internet. On this episode we chat: Why access control is hugely important Why access control needs to be decentralized On-chain identity as a means of access The nearly limitless use cases for Lit What its like being a founder in web3 Why now is the perfect time for web3 to go mainstream And even, how to use Lit Protocol to use your Tesla Hope you enjoy this stellar conversation with David & Chris https://twitter.com/LitProtocol https://twitter.com/davidlsneider https://twitter.com/chriscassano

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Speaking with the founders who are building our future with the bleeding edge of technology