Speaking the Shade: A series of audio documentaries for unsettled times

A series of audio documentaries or “thought-works” created and produced by researchers in the humanities and social sciences at Södertörn University. Released monthly, each episode sets out on a journey through the distinct worlds opened up by publications from the university’s publishing archives, ending up on a collision course with the imposingly obscure meaning of our own crisis-ridden times
A series of audio documentaries or “thought-works” created and produced by researchers in the humanities and social sciences at Södertörn University. Released monthly, each episode sets out on a journey through the distinct worlds opened up by publications from the university’s publishing archives, ending up on a collision course with the imposingly obscure meaning of our own crisis-ridden times. The interlocking crises — economic and political, technics and pandemics, ecological and spiritual — against which today we are repeatedly buffeted, are investigated through an exploration of texts, thinkers, events and concepts, which, while having emerged in different historical moments, offer the discursive means by which to begin the task of granulating the density of our own contemporaneity, and, perhaps, to start the hard labour of recasting the elements comprising our own historical present in new unexpected forms.