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Where aviation comes to study!
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597 Avsnitt
π Performance and Limitations: PA30 +
Publicerades 2024-10-03
π Airplane Flight Controls: PA30 +
Publicerades 2024-10-03
π Airplane Weight and Balance: PA30 +
Publicerades 2024-10-03
π Aircraft Systems: PA30 +
Publicerades 2024-10-03
π Performance and Limitations: C172S +
Publicerades 2024-10-02
π Aircraft Systems: C712S +
Publicerades 2024-10-02
π Airplane Flight Controls: C172S +
Publicerades 2024-10-02
π Airplane Weight and Balance: C172S +
Publicerades 2024-10-02
The New CFI ACS Lesson Plans!
Publicerades 2024-04-30
Studying Aviation on YouTube
Publicerades 2024-02-02
VFR Chart Symbology
Publicerades 2024-02-01
π Drag Demo +
Publicerades 2024-02-01
π Vmc Demo +
Publicerades 2024-01-31
π Maneuvering OEI +
Publicerades 2024-01-30
π Engine Failure Approach and Landing +
Publicerades 2024-01-29
π Engine Failure After Liftoff +
Publicerades 2024-01-28
π Engine Failure During Takeoff Roll +
Publicerades 2024-01-27
π Secondary Stall +
Publicerades 2024-01-26
π Elevator Trim Stall +
Publicerades 2024-01-25
π Cross Controlled Stall +
Publicerades 2024-01-24
π Power Off 180 +
Publicerades 2024-01-23
π Eights On Pylons +
Publicerades 2024-01-22
π Lazy Eights +
Publicerades 2024-01-21
π Chandelles +
Publicerades 2024-01-20
π Steep Spirals +
Publicerades 2024-01-19
π Accelerated Stalls +
Publicerades 2024-01-18
π Holding Procedures +
Publicerades 2024-01-17
π Missed Approach +
Publicerades 2024-01-16
π VOR Approach +
Publicerades 2024-01-15
π RNAV Approach +
Publicerades 2024-01-14
π Localizer Back Course Approach +
Publicerades 2024-01-13
π Localizer Approach +
Publicerades 2024-01-12
π ILS Approach +
Publicerades 2024-01-11
π DME Arcs +
Publicerades 2024-01-10
π Procedure Turns +
Publicerades 2024-01-09
π IFR Departure Procedures (Maneuver) +
Publicerades 2024-01-08
π Air Traffic Control Clearances +
Publicerades 2024-01-07
π Instrument Cockpit Check +
Publicerades 2024-01-06
π Postflight Procedures +
Publicerades 2024-01-05
π Spin Awareness +
Publicerades 2024-01-04
π Soft Field Approach and Landing +
Publicerades 2024-01-03
π Soft Field Takeoff and Climb +
Publicerades 2024-01-02
π Short Field Approach and Landing +
Publicerades 2024-01-01
π Short Field Takeoff and Climb +
Publicerades 2023-12-31
π Unusual Attitudes +
Publicerades 2023-12-30
π Instrument Flying Basics +
Publicerades 2023-12-29
π Forward Slip to Landing +
Publicerades 2023-12-28
π Systems and Equipment Malfunctions +
Publicerades 2023-12-27
π Normal Approach and Landing +
Publicerades 2023-12-26
π Emergency Descent +
Publicerades 2023-12-25
π Emergency Approach and Landing +
Publicerades 2023-12-24
π Slow Flight +
Publicerades 2023-12-23
π Steep Turns +
Publicerades 2023-12-22
π Ground Reference Maneuvers +
Publicerades 2023-12-21
π Power Off Stalls +
Publicerades 2023-12-20
π Power On Stalls +
Publicerades 2023-12-19
π Straight and Level Flight +
Publicerades 2023-12-18
π Go Arounds +
Publicerades 2023-12-17
π Normal Takeoff and Climb +
Publicerades 2023-12-16
π Traffic Patterns +
Publicerades 2023-12-15
π Radio Communications and ATC Light Signals +
Publicerades 2023-12-14
π Before Takeoff Check +
Publicerades 2023-12-13
π Taxiing +
Publicerades 2023-12-12
π Engine Starting +
Publicerades 2023-12-11
π Cockpit Management +
Publicerades 2023-12-10
π Preflight Inspection +
Publicerades 2023-12-09
π Multi Engine - Other Factors +
Publicerades 2023-12-08
π Determining Vmc +
Publicerades 2023-12-07
π Determining the Critical Engine +
Publicerades 2023-12-06
π Techniques of Flight Instruction +
Publicerades 2023-12-05
π Instructor Responsibilities and Professionalism +
Publicerades 2023-12-04
π Assessment and Critique +
Publicerades 2023-12-03
π The Teaching Process +
Publicerades 2023-12-02
π The Learning Process +
Publicerades 2023-12-01
π Human Behavior and Effective Communication +
Publicerades 2023-11-30
π CFI Privileges and Limitations +
Publicerades 2023-11-29
π Pilot Qualifications (CFI) +
Publicerades 2023-11-28
FLYBER Deals Coming to an End!
Publicerades 2023-11-27
π Commercial Pilot Pay +
Publicerades 2023-11-27
π Pilot Qualifications (CAX) +
Publicerades 2023-11-26
π Instrument Approach Procedures +
Publicerades 2023-11-25
Black FLYDAY and FLYBER Monday are Live!
Publicerades 2023-11-24
π Instrument Approach Types +
Publicerades 2023-11-24
π IFR Lost Communications +
Publicerades 2023-11-23
π IFR En-Route Procedures +
Publicerades 2023-11-22
Black FLYDAY to FLYBER Monday
Publicerades 2023-11-21
π Alternate Airports +
Publicerades 2023-11-21
π IFR Departure Procedures +
Publicerades 2023-11-20
π Vacuum System +
Publicerades 2023-11-19
π Pitot-Static System +
Publicerades 2023-11-18
π Magnetic Compass +
Publicerades 2023-11-17
π IFR Airworthiness Requirements +
Publicerades 2023-11-16
π Instrument Preflight Procedures +
Publicerades 2023-11-15
π Instrument Recency and Currency +
Publicerades 2023-11-14
π VFR Airworthiness Requirements +
Publicerades 2023-11-13
π Principles of Flight +
Publicerades 2023-11-12
π High Altitude Operations +
Publicerades 2023-11-11
π Night Operations +
Publicerades 2023-11-10
π VFR Flight Planning +
Publicerades 2023-11-09
π Navigation Aids: GPS +
Publicerades 2023-11-09
π Navigation Aids: DME +
Publicerades 2023-11-08
π Navigation Aids: VOR +
Publicerades 2023-11-07
π National Airspace System +
Publicerades 2023-11-06
π Performance and Limitations +
Publicerades 2023-11-05
π Airplane Weight and Balance +
Publicerades 2023-11-03
π Weather Reports +
Publicerades 2023-11-02
π Weather Theory +
Publicerades 2023-11-01
π Airplane Flight Controls +
Publicerades 2023-10-31
π Aircraft Systems +
Publicerades 2023-10-30
This Week In Aviation: 10/30/2023
Publicerades 2023-10-30
π Aeromedical Factors +
Publicerades 2023-10-29
π 14 CFR and Publications +
Publicerades 2023-10-28
π Visual Scanning and Collision Avoidance +
Publicerades 2023-10-27
π Runway Incursion Avoidance +
Publicerades 2023-10-26
π Pilot Qualifications (PPL) +
Publicerades 2023-10-25
π Single Pilot Resource Management (SRM) +
Publicerades 2023-10-24
π Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM) +
Publicerades 2023-10-23
This Week In Aviation: 10/23/2023
Publicerades 2023-10-23
π Identifying Hazards and Mitigating Risk +
Publicerades 2023-10-22
π Human Behavior +
Publicerades 2023-10-21
π Defining Elements of Risk Management +
Publicerades 2023-10-20
Wings of History - Voyager Circumnavigation
Publicerades 2023-10-17
This Week In Aviation: 10/16/2023
Publicerades 2023-10-16
Wings of History - Miracle on the Hudson
Publicerades 2023-10-09
Wings of History - Breaking the Sound Barrier
Publicerades 2023-10-03
Wings of History - The Battle of Britain
Publicerades 2023-09-25
Wings of History - Amelia Earhart
Publicerades 2023-09-18
Wings of History - Charles Lindbergh
Publicerades 2023-09-11
Wings of History - The Wright Brothers
Publicerades 2023-09-04
100's of Free Podcast Lessons!
Publicerades 2023-01-23
Multi Engine Workbook Audio
Publicerades 2023-01-23
CFII Workbook Audio
Publicerades 2023-01-16
CFI Workbook Audio
Publicerades 2023-01-09
Fundamentals of Instruction Workbook Audio
Publicerades 2023-01-03
Instrument Rating Workbook Audio
Publicerades 2022-12-12
Private Pilot Workbook Audio
Publicerades 2022-12-10
Publicerades 2022-11-21
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 10 - Section 2: Special Helicopter Operations
Publicerades 2022-11-21
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 10 - Section 1: Helicopter IFR Operations
Publicerades 2022-11-21
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 9 - Section 1: Types of Charts Available
Publicerades 2022-11-14
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 8 - Section 1: Fitness for Flight
Publicerades 2022-11-07
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 7 - Section 7: Safety, Accident, and Hazard Reports
Publicerades 2022-10-31
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 7 - Section 6: Potential Flight Hazards
Publicerades 2022-10-31
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 7 - Section 5: Bird Hazards and Flight Over National Parks
Publicerades 2022-10-31
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 7 - Section 4: Wake Turbulence
Publicerades 2022-10-31
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 7 - Section 3: Cold Temperature Altimeter Errors
Publicerades 2022-10-31
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 7 - Section 2: Barometric Altimeter Errors
Publicerades 2022-10-31
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 7 - Section 1: Meteorology
Publicerades 2022-10-31
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 6 - Section 5: Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Communications
Publicerades 2022-10-24
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 6 - Section 4: Two-Way Radio Communications Failure
Publicerades 2022-10-24
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 6 - Section 3: Distress and Urgency Procedures
Publicerades 2022-10-24
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 6 - Section 2: Emergency Services Available to Pilots
Publicerades 2022-10-24
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 6 - Section 1: General Emergency Procedures
Publicerades 2022-10-24
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 5 - Section 6: National Security and Interception Procedures
Publicerades 2022-10-17
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 5 - Section 5: Pilot/Controller Responsibilities
Publicerades 2022-10-17
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 5 - Section 4: Arrival Procedures
Publicerades 2022-10-17
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 5 - Section 3: En-Route Procedures
Publicerades 2022-10-17
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 5 - Section 2: Departure Procedures
Publicerades 2022-10-17
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 5 - Section 1: Preflight
Publicerades 2022-10-17
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 4 - Section 7: Operational Policy/Procedures for the Gulf of Mexico
Publicerades 2022-10-10
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 4 - Section 6: Operational Policy/Procedures for RVSM
Publicerades 2022-10-10
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 4 - Section 5: Surveillance Systems
Publicerades 2022-10-10
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 4 - Section 4: ATC Clearances and Aircraft Separation
Publicerades 2022-10-10
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 4 - Section 3: Airport Operations
Publicerades 2022-10-10
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 4 - Section 2: Radio Communications Phraseology and Techniques
Publicerades 2022-10-10
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 4 - Section 1: Services Available to Pilots
Publicerades 2022-10-10
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 3 - Section 5: Other Airspace Areas
Publicerades 2022-10-03
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 3 - Section 4: Special Use Airspace
Publicerades 2022-10-03
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 3 - Section 3: Class G Airspace
Publicerades 2022-10-03
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 3 - Section 2: Controlled Airspace
Publicerades 2022-10-03
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 3 - Section 1: General Airspace
Publicerades 2022-10-03
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 2 - Section 3: Airport Marking Aids and Signs
Publicerades 2022-09-26
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 2 - Section 2: Air Navigation and Obstruction Lighting
Publicerades 2022-09-26
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 2 - Section 1: Airport Lighting Aids
Publicerades 2022-09-26
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 1 - Section 2: Performance-Based Navigation and Area Navigation
Publicerades 2022-09-19
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Chapter 1 - Section 1: Navigation Aids
Publicerades 2022-09-19
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 91 - Subpart E: Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, and Alterations
Publicerades 2022-09-12
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 91 - Subpart D: Special Flight Operations
Publicerades 2022-09-05
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 91 - Subpart C: Equipment, Instrument, and Certificate Requirements
Publicerades 2022-08-29
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 91 - Subpart B: Flight Rules
Publicerades 2022-08-22
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 91 - Subpart A: General
Publicerades 2022-08-15
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 61 - Subpart K: Flight Instructors with a Sport Rating
Publicerades 2022-08-08
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 61 - Subpart J: Sport Pilots
Publicerades 2022-08-01
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 61 - Subpart I: Ground Instructors
Publicerades 2022-07-25
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 61 - Subpart H: Flight Instructors
Publicerades 2022-07-18
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 61 - Subpart G: Airline Transport Pilots
Publicerades 2022-07-11
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 61 - Subpart F: Commercial Pilots
Publicerades 2022-07-04
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 61 - Subpart E: Private Pilots
Publicerades 2022-06-27
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 61 - Subpart D: Recreational Pilots
Publicerades 2022-06-20
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 61 - Subpart C: Student Pilots
Publicerades 2022-06-13
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 61 - Subpart B: Aircraft Ratings and Pilot Authorizations
Publicerades 2022-06-06
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 61 - Subpart A: General
Publicerades 2022-05-30
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Section 1.2: Abbreviations and Symbols
Publicerades 2022-05-23
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Section 1.1: General Definitions
Publicerades 2022-05-16
The Instrument Procedures Handbook (IPH) Appendix A: Emergency Procedures
Publicerades 2022-05-10
The Instrument Procedures Handbook (IPH) Chapter 7: Helicopter Instrument Procedures
Publicerades 2022-05-09
The Instrument Procedures Handbook (IPH) Chapter 6: Airborne Navigation Databases
Publicerades 2022-05-06
The Instrument Procedures Handbook (IPH) Chapter 5: Improvement Plans
Publicerades 2022-05-05
The Instrument Procedures Handbook (IPH) Chapter 4: Approaches
Publicerades 2022-05-04
The Instrument Procedures Handbook (IPH) Chapter 3: Arrivals
Publicerades 2022-05-03
The Instrument Procedures Handbook (IPH) Chapter 2: En-Route Operations
Publicerades 2022-05-02
The Instrument Procedures Handbook (IPH) Chapter 1: Departure Procedures
Publicerades 2022-04-29
Cyber Monday Deals!
Publicerades 2021-11-28
Hold Entries - The Magic Number
Publicerades 2021-11-09
6 Magnetic Compass Errors
Publicerades 2021-11-02
Instrument Recency and Currency
Publicerades 2021-10-21
The 5 Types of Fog
Publicerades 2021-10-19
2 Minute VOR Trick
Publicerades 2021-10-13
Aeromedical Factors
Publicerades 2021-10-11
14 CFR and Publications
Publicerades 2021-10-05
Visual Scanning and Collision Avoidance
Publicerades 2021-09-24
Runway Incursion Avoidance
Publicerades 2021-09-17
Private Pilot Certificates and Documents
Publicerades 2021-09-15
Single Pilot Resource Management (SRM)
Publicerades 2021-09-14
Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM)
Publicerades 2021-09-13
Identifying Hazards and Mitigating Risk
Publicerades 2021-09-10
Human Behavior
Publicerades 2021-09-09
Defining Elements of Risk Management
Publicerades 2021-09-08
The Instrument Flying Handbook (IFH) Chapter 11: Emergency Operations
Publicerades 2021-08-27
The Instrument Flying Handbook (IFH) Chapter 10: IFR Flight
Publicerades 2021-08-27
The Instrument Flying Handbook (IFH) Chapter 9: Navigation Systems
Publicerades 2021-08-26
The Instrument Flying Handbook (IFH) Chapter 8: Helicopter Attitude Instrument Flying
Publicerades 2021-08-25
The Instrument Flying Handbook (IFH) Chapter 7, Part 2: Basic Flight Maneuvers with Electronic Display
Publicerades 2021-08-24
The Instrument Flying Handbook (IFH) Chapter 7, Part 1: Basic Flight Maneuvers with Analog Instruments
Publicerades 2021-08-23
The Instrument Flying Handbook (IFH) Chapter 6, Part 2: Instrument Flying with Electronic Flight Display
Publicerades 2021-08-16
The Instrument Flying Handbook (IFH) Chapter 6, Part 1: Instrument Flying Using Analog Instrumentation
Publicerades 2021-08-13
The Instrument Flying Handbook (IFH) Chapter 5: Flight Instruments
Publicerades 2021-08-11
The Instrument Flying Handbook (IFH) Chapter 4: Aerodynamic Factors
Publicerades 2021-08-09
The Instrument Flying Handbook (IFH) Chapter 3: Human Factors
Publicerades 2021-08-06
The Instrument Flying Handbook (IFH) Chapter 2: The Air Traffic Control System
Publicerades 2021-08-05
The Instrument Flying Handbook (IFH) Chapter 1: The National Airspace System
Publicerades 2021-08-04
The Aviation Instructor's Handbook (AIH) Chapter 10: Teaching Practical Risk Management During Flight Instruction
Publicerades 2021-08-03
The Aviation Instructor's Handbook (AIH) Chapter 9: Techniques of Flight Instruction
Publicerades 2021-08-03
The Aviation Instructor's Handbook (AIH) Chapter 8: Aviation Instructor Responsibilities and Professionalism
Publicerades 2021-07-29
The Aviation Instructor's Handbook (AIH) Chapter 7: Planning Instructional Activity
Publicerades 2021-07-28
The Aviation Instructor's Handbook (AIH) Chapter 6: Assessment
Publicerades 2021-07-28
The Aviation Instructor's Handbook (AIH) Chapter 5: The Teaching Process
Publicerades 2021-07-26
The Aviation Instructor's Handbook (AIH) Chapter 4: Effective Communication
Publicerades 2021-07-19
The Aviation Instructor's Handbook (AIH) Chapter 3: The Learning Process
Publicerades 2021-07-16
The Aviation Instructor's Handbook (AIH) Chapter 2: Human Behavior
Publicerades 2021-07-14
HΓ€mta fler
Where aviation comes to study!