What the Curriculum for Wales means for your child

The Curriculum for Wales has been introduced to primary and secondary schools across the country, but what does it mean for early years and nursery groups?Vanessa Powell is leading on the Curriculum for Wales for Mudiad Meithrin. In this episode, she takes us through its five development pathways - well-being, communication, exploration, belonging and physical development - before we delve into more detail in subsequent episodes.

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What does the Curriculum for Wales mean for early years children and nursery groups? In this new series of short podcasts, Nia Parry speaks to Curriculum Specialist, Vanessa Powell, as well as Cylchoedd Meithrin staff to understand how Mudiad Meithrin is using the five development pathways of the curriculum to help the development of preschool children.Beth mae’r Cwricwlwm i Gymru yn ei olygu i blant y blynyddoedd cynnar a chylchoedd meithrin? Yn y gyfres newydd hon o bodlediadau byr, mae Nia Parry yn siarad â'r Arbenigwr Cwricwlwm, Vanessa Powell, yn ogystal â staff Cylchoedd Meithrin, i ddeall sut mae’r Mudiad Meithrin yn defnyddio’r pum llwybr datblygu'r cwricwlwm i helpu datblygiad plant cyn oed ysgol.