[ 💪🏾 ] Our 5 Factors Year in Review: Mindset, Recovery, & Connection (Part 2)
❤️🔥 Free Newsletter & the Chase Club === We're continuing our conversation about the five factors of health and exploring the significant changes we've made in our lives over the past year. This time around, we’re talking Sleep, Connection, and Mindset. You’ll gain insights into effective sleep habits, the importance of connecting with yourself and others, and the impact of intentional reflection on your daily routine. By listening, you'll cultivate balance and awareness in your life, leading to improved overall well-being. Prepare to discover practical strategies that can enhance your pursuit of excellence. === 👋 THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS 🔗 AG1 | This comprehensive foundational nutrition supplement combines vitamins, probiotics, and whole food ingredients to support brain, gut, and immune health, offering an easy and delicious daily drink to enhance overall well-being and energy levels. 🔗 SIPHOX HEALTH | This revolutionary at-home blood test allows you to easily monitor 17 essential biomarkers, providing comprehensive health insights and recommendations, all while being affordable and convenient, enabling you to take control of your health from the comfort of your home. === 🤙 ABOUT US 📍 Ben Bergeron is a best-selling author, coach to 7 CrossFit Games champions, and founder of CompTrain. Find him on Instagram. 📍 Patrick Cummings is a long-time CrossFitter, writer, and podcaster. Find him on Instagram.