Benchmark: Improving Competitive Performance, Embracing Adversity, Staying Relaxed, & More
In our last Benchmark of the summer, we’re throwing it back to August of 2018 and a conversation about how to be more competitive in the sport of CrossFit. Topics include getting better at muscle-ups, tips for improving your double unders, and Ben’s best advice for athletes who don't have a coach. =========== OUR SPONSORS: =========== 🔗 Lifeforce 🔗 Momentous (code: excellence) 🔗 Betterhelp =========== GET A QUESTION IN THE QUEUE: =========== 🔗 Send Patrick a DM with your Five Factors questions! =========== ABOUT US: =========== 📍 Ben Bergeron is a best-selling author, coach to 7 CrossFit Games champions, and founder of CompTrain. Find him on Instagram. 📍 Patrick Cummings is a long-time CrossFitter and podcaster. Find him on Instagram.