FLOSS Weekly 611: The FLOSS Ecosystem - Allison Randal, FLOSS Landscape

Allison Randal, FLOSS landscape. Nobody sees or understands the big FLOSS story better than Allison Randal, a veteran of .ORGs for Perl, Python, Parrot, Openstack, Software Freedom, Open Usage, and FLOSS; .COMs that include HP, Canonical, SUSE and O'Reilly; plus countless events for all those entities, among many more. Allison joins Doc Searls and Jonathan Bennett for an exciting and knowledge-packed hour exploring what she calls the "three legs of the FLOSS stool": developers, companies and foundations. Putting into perspective everything from Red Hat dropping CentOS to the migration of one foundation from OpenStack to Open Infrastructure. For a view across the FLOSS landscape, you can't beat the hour you'll enjoy here. Hosts: Doc Searls and Jonathan Bennett Guest: Allison Randal Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly Think your open source project should be on FLOSS Weekly? Email floss@twit.tv. Thanks to Lullabot's Jeff Robbins, web designer and musician, for our theme music.

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We're not talking dentistry here; FLOSS is all about Free Libre Open Source Software. Join host Doc Searls and his rotating panel of co-hosts as they talk with the most interesting and important people in the Open Source and Free Software community. Although the show is no longer in production at TWiT, you can enjoy episodes from our archives.