#65 Greg Fernando. True believer in making a change.

We continue the meeting in darkness with Greg Fernando, founder of New to Sweden and co-founder of the inclusion initiative 1046. Greg grew up in Montreal, Canada and experienced the friction between French and English-speaking people. Later on he moved to Toronto, a multicultural city and after travelling around the world he moved to Sweden. Greg talks openly about his background, dreams and why he decided to stay in Sweden even though being an immigrant and a man of color can be a struggle. We get to know more about 1046 and of course New to Sweden, a none profit organization working with a holistic solution for immigrants. This is the second of two episodes with Greg Fernando, a true beliver in making a change. New to Sweden: www.newtosweden.org 1046 a inclusion initiative-working to make sure all people in Sweden feel welcome: www.1046.se I mörkret med (In darkness with) is a podcast recorded at Svartklubben, a restaurant in complete darkness in Stockholm, Sweden. Music by Ulf Nordquist. Program leader, Anna Bergholtz. Audio technician Jan Dahlqvist. E-mail: Hej@imorkretmed.se

Om Podcasten

Vad händer när vi lägger det ytliga åt sidan och blickar inåt? När vi möts med andra sinnen än synen? Sveriges och troligen världens första podcast som spelas in i totalt mörker. Vi bjuder på unika möten med kända och mindre kända personer i mörkret, och på samtal om ett annat sätt att se. För kontakt och frågor till Anna och Fatmir maila: Hej@Imorkretmed.se Läs mer om den mörklagda krogen Svartklubben: www.svartklubben.com