32. From New York Law School to Sweden - about mindset, leadership and values (English version)

In this episode of the Human Rights Podcast, we meet Heidi K Brown, professor at New York Law School. Heidi is currently in Italy to write a new book. We talk about freedom of speech and opinion, how to confront and overcome your fears, stop being afraid of making mistakes and what boxing has to do with law. In addition, we talk about leadership and about being rooted in one's values ​​and what importance this has for a culture in the workplace.

Om Podcasten

Programledare för Människorättspodden är advokaterna Ruth Nordström & Rebecca Ahlstrand från Människorättsadvokaterna, en humanjuridisk advokatbyrå som arbetar med migrations- och asylrätt, familjerätt, socialrätt, arbetsrätt, brottmål, arbetsrätt och mänskliga rättigheter. I podden diskuteras samhällsaktuella frågor med anknytning till de aktuella rättsområdena. Ruth & Rebecca delar med sig av sina erfarenheter och insikter och bjuder in aktuella gäster för att fördjupa samtalen. The hosts of Människorättspodden are attorneys Ruth Nordström and Rebecca Ahlstrand from Human Rights Lawyers, a law firm specializing in migration and asylum law, family law, social law, criminal law, labor law, and human rights. The podcast discusses current societal issues related to relevant legal areas. Ruth and Rebecca share their experiences and insights, inviting relevant guests to deepen the discussions.