Meeting human rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson

In the twelfth episode of the Human Rights Podcast, we meet one of our great role models, the human rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson, founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, which fights against systemic racism and for racial justice, a criminal justice reform and a fair trial for the wrongly convicted of crimes and poor and marginalized groups in the United States. The film about his life, Just Mercy, starring Michael B Jordan, received great reviews all around the world and a Swedish review in Aftonbladet stated that it is "passionate, sad, outrageous and impossible not to be touched by". We present the Scandinavian Human Dignity Award to Bryan Stevenson and the Equal Justice Initiative for their enormous efforts to promote justice and human rights and during the interview we ask questions of Bryan´s opinion on some of the cases we work with in Sweden.

Om Podcasten

Programledare för Människorättspodden är advokaterna Ruth Nordström & Rebecca Ahlstrand från Människorättsadvokaterna, en humanjuridisk advokatbyrå som arbetar med migrations- och asylrätt, familjerätt, socialrätt, arbetsrätt, brottmål, arbetsrätt och mänskliga rättigheter. I podden diskuteras samhällsaktuella frågor med anknytning till de aktuella rättsområdena. Ruth & Rebecca delar med sig av sina erfarenheter och insikter och bjuder in aktuella gäster för att fördjupa samtalen. The hosts of Människorättspodden are attorneys Ruth Nordström and Rebecca Ahlstrand from Human Rights Lawyers, a law firm specializing in migration and asylum law, family law, social law, criminal law, labor law, and human rights. The podcast discusses current societal issues related to relevant legal areas. Ruth and Rebecca share their experiences and insights, inviting relevant guests to deepen the discussions.