Episode 4: Retail’s Roaring ‘20s

The roaring ‘20s have arrived. It has been a rocky road for retailers over the past few years. Every day, we wake up to news of vast changes in the industry- from folks closing shop to those breaking into new waters in an effort to stay afloat. What does this new decade have in store for the retail sector? Retail experts from Publicis Sapient gaze into their crystal balls and discuss their predictions for what lies ahead.

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Publicis Sapient dives into the world of retail. This is a watershed moment for retailers -- many are not up to the challenge of succeeding, or even staying alive, in these times. The imperative for transformation is clear: Retailers need to focus on e-commerce profits, harnessing data to drive growth and seamlessly integrating their offline and online experiences. Net, they need to win in digital. We discuss how retailers can make the seemingly impossible, possible.