The Grief Gang turns 3! The journey so far...

Guys, today is Grief Gang's 3rd birthday. I officially own a toddler! Time goes fast when you're grieving hey…no actually, it really doesn't.To celebrate this milestone, because to be honest I'm totally extra and will create any excuse for a celebration or party, I wanted to dedicate this weeks episode to the journey of TGG! It’s actually a bit mad, at the time this episode will be released, I’m going to be in Denmark at the first international grief conference as a speaker! Now that is something that if you told me 3 years ago I would have said get fucked!!Therefore, my lovely friend Ben May, 1 half of The new normal charity who I’m sure you’ve heard me time and time again talk about on here and the instagram, kindly interviewed me. Thats right, I took to guest seat! You, the Grief Gang, audience so kindly wrote in some questions for Ben to ask me and they are VARIED. You’ll get a flavour for where this episode is going purely by the first question that is asked….SPICY let me tell you that.I share on this episode what it’s really been like for me over these 3 years to run and host this show and have such a wonderful community. What my hopes and dreams are for it and how its affected and helped my own grief journey. We go all round the houses.So Grief gang, honestly and truly, thank you for the most fulfilling and soul nurturing 3 years. You’ve mended my broken grieving heart in more ways than one and allow me to do something I love every single day. I get to share my mum with the thousands and in turn I get to know and honour your people too. It is forever the greatest gift out of something so terrible.So on this special day and across this weekend, because I'm extra and dragging my friends out to celebrate all things me, we’ll also be celebrating you and all your people too. Because you all make Grief Gang what it is today.Big love..thank you.. And happy listening,Amber xFollow and be part of The Grief Gang community:Instagram: this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the gang...the one you never asked to be part of.The Grief Gang podcast was created after host Amber Jeffrey, Mother died unexpectedly at the age of 19. Struggling with her grief and feelings, she set out to find people who just got it and to share the continuous whirlwind experience of this thing called grief.Through sharing her own experiences, the highs and the really low lows, the funny bits, the naff bits and the really confusing bits, this show aims to show you that you are never alone in your grief and feelings. Nor should you have to suffer it alone. You will hear alongside Amber's own experiences on this podcast, an array of guests who honestly & candidly share their own stories of their grief, from all different walks of life and losses. From parent, child, sibling, partner & more, there is hopefully something here for everybody.You will most likely cry, even more likely to laugh when listening to this show, but above all this show aims to provide you with hope. Hope that there is life after loss..and a bloody good one at that.The Grief Gang podcast has been celebrated by the BBC, Channel 5, Vogue, Women's Health UK & Australia and more. Amber's dedicated passion to her community and work of breaking down the taboo conversation of grief, has been recognised globally from media to the academic world. Delivering talks, panel discussions and workshops at the likes of Cambridge University, Westminster & the first international grief conference in Denmark.Follow on Instagram here. Follow on Facebook here. Follow on Twitter here. Follow on Youtube here. Visit The Grief Gang website here. "Open and honest...Amber navigates the conversation around grief so truthfully. There’s always something I’m able to resonate to and I find this podcast a great comfort. Thank you!"Support this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.