The Everyday Intuitive

En podcast av: Heather Alice Shea, CEO & Founder of Atmana Academy
This podcast is your go-to resource for learning, growing, and thriving as an Intuitive Life Coach. Join Heather Alice Shea on a vision quest into conscious conversations that rock the status quo and catapult your life and business into passion, purpose, and prosperity

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This podcast is your go-to resource for learning, growing, and thriving as an Intuitive Life Coach. Join Heather Alice Shea on a vision quest into conscious conversations that rock the status quo and catapult your life and business into passion, purpose, and prosperity. As you listen in, you’ll boldly break up with your comfort zone, turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones of success and radically claim your role as a healer, mentor, and sought-after coach. You’ll gain the coaching skills, mindset, and savvy business acumen you need to make meaningful money doing the work you are called to do in the world.